All You Need Is Here
Breathe in the perfection of this moment… THIS Moment. Not a moment tomorrow or next week or in an hour or even five minutes from now… THIS Moment. Not a moment when there is a perceived need… a need for something to happen or to accomplish something or for something to come to you or […]
Finding Peace
Where do you find peace? In a sanctuary? In the woods? At the yoga studio? At the beach? Getting a massage? During a retreat? Do you ever pause to wonder where peace comes from? Does the peace you “find” come from the trees or the ocean or the retreat space or the yoga teacher or […]
A Learning Journey
Feels so good to be back at work on the Walk In Beauty album after a few weeks off. Spent the last two evenings with Isha in pre-production. He’s awesome to work with and we’ve got four songs pretty much fully dialed in and ready tracking in the studio. This process of recording an album […]
How I Stopped Hating Money!
First Published October 2013 – Updated November 2020 For more than 15 years I was “the Abundant Mystic.” Running those big tele summits, leading online classes, coaching hundreds of private clients, bringing dozens of people to Hawaii for our annual retreat… all of that provided me with wonderful opportunities to look deeply at the remaining […]
Jack Canfield is Wrong: “So What” Doesn’t Work
There’s a lot that Jack Canfield does right. But there’s one thing he said in the movie The Secret that has been bugging me ever since I first saw it back in 2006. Do you remember when he said this? “… most psychologists believe that about 85% of families are dysfunctional, so it’s like, all […]
I’m Making Up A Story That…
On Thursday and Friday of last week I had the privilege of interviewing some of the most successful conscious entrepreneurs in the world. It was part of the Shift Network’s Enlightened Business Summit. Earlier in the week, Chip Conley, the founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, interviewed many of the most successful conscious business people […]
You Are NOT Alone!
Have you ever felt alone? If you’re like most of us, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! How about when… the teacher called on you in school and you didn’t know the answer? or coming home to an empty house after a breakup? or someone you love has passed on? or a […]
Stop waiting for your starring role
Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you want to be a catalyst for positive change? The desire to contribute to the highest good of all is strong in most modern day mystics. We see the problems in the world. We feel the pain and suffering of those around us as […]
Lower Your Standards!
There’s a great story about the poet and teacher William Stafford. He’s recognized as one of the most prolific poets of recent times and during the last twenty or more years of his life he wrote at least one poem every day. Yes… that’s one poem EVERY DAY! And, much to the dismay of his […]
Learning to flow with the rhythms of life
Today was supposed to be the start of the Awakened Man Summit. But due to a last minute scheduling snafu I don’t have a speaker for tonight. Since I found out about this a couple of days ago I’ve been somewhat – to very – frantically seeking another speaker to step in at the last […]