Mikayal AjaMYSTIC
Music to catalyze your Creative Awakening
Coaching to reclaim your Creative Birthright
Inspiration to ignite your Creative Soul!
New Release
The second single in this flurry of singles is Run River Run!
I love the way this turned out. Amazing to work with Ben Lienbach on this one. He found a groove for this that just feels right!
And the incredible Bodhi Setchko came in and laid down some of the sweetest flute tracks I’ve heard. Definitely put this one over the top!
Such a blessing to get to work with so many gifted musicians in this co-creation process.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
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As the sacred is at the center of all that I do, I notice when people bring devotion and sacredness to their work and to their spiritual path. Mikayal is consistently willing to take the difficult steps necessary toward his journey of awakening, and to be in service to the awakening of others. There is integrity in all that he does.
Anodea JudithFounder, Sacred Centers
Mikayal doesn’t just teach this work, he lives it. His desire to be of service and deep care for those he serves always come through during our conversations. He uses his work and his life to remind us that love IS the reason.
Marci Shimoff#1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
Mikayal Aja
There are a few things I thought I would NEVER do.
1. Get a tattoo
2. Change my name
3. Drink Ayahuasca in the jungles of Peru
4. Make music into a career
The first three of those four “nevers” have faded into the sunset. The fourth… well I’ll tell you more about that later.
In the process of turning nevers into nows and breaking down many of my old beliefs about what is right and wrong, ok and not ok, good and bad… I have discovered the power of saying YES to the sometimes subtle, sometimes hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-2-x-4-not-so-subtle creative urges that Life sends my way. I’ve also learned the hard way what happens when I DON’T say yes. Not a pretty sight!
That’s why I feel so blessed to have found my way to this place in my life where I can serve the you through the music that is so much in my blood and bones and by sharing and teaching some of the Creative Awakening tools I’ve learned along the way.
Thanks for joining me!
Big Love!
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Cacao/Rapeh Sound Journey – March 26th 2022
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Cacao/Rapeh Sound Journey – February 26th 2022
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2020, All Rights Reserved | Mikayal Aja