Music to catalyze your Creative Awakening
The music that flows through me is a gift from the Divine. My work, as a songwriter and musician, is to translate Her sublime, infinite, mysterious presence into sounds and words that are accessible to our limited human perceptions. Of course, the human expression can never come close to capturing the essence of the Divine. So my purpose is to “fail” as beautifully as I can!
My deepest desire is that something within these creations will allow you to experience Her presence a little more fully in your life and bring a bit of joy, love, and light to your heart and soul.
The next single in this string of singles is called Edge of Safe.
This one stretched me stylistically… which was good. And it was great fun working with JonJon on this one. He went along with me on this ride to explore new sonic and stylistic ideas.
JonJon also did all of the strings (except my acoustic guitar part) and electronic instrumentations. Amazing!
The incredible Isha Erskine did a stellar job on the final mix on this one.
So fun!
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