Lessons in Divine Timing From a Loose Tooth

One night last week as my daughter was falling asleep she called down to me, “Dada, guess what?”

“What sweetie?”

“I’ve got a loose tooth!”

“Yay. I’ll check it out in the morning.”

And, sure enough, in the morning I saw that Ella had her first loose tooth. Now having your first loose tooth is always a big moment for a child. But for Ella it was especially big since every other kid in her first grade class has already lost at least one tooth. So she’s been waiting, not always so patiently, for one of her baby teeth to loosen up and fall out.

And that, no-so-patient part came out the next morning when she tried to get that tooth out of her mouth! She tried grabbing it with her fingers and tugging it, wrapping string around it, eating “hard food” and asking me to wrap a string around it and tie it to a doorknob!

She’s discovering the contrast between human timing and divine timing, between our physical nature and our spiritual essence.

“We are spiritual beings have a physical experience.” I’m sure you’ve heard that before. Our spiritual essence exists as infinite, limitless consciousness outside of time and space. But while we are here, in this three-dimensional realm, having this physical experience we exist as individuals within the context of and seemingly under the influence of linear time and space.

Ironically, it is the very presence of time and space in the physical world that gives us the opportunity to remember and ultimately reunite with the timeless nature of our larger, non-physical essence. Part of our maturation process as spiritual beings involves awakening our capacity to acknowledge, honor and live fully engaged in both of these seemingly incompatible flows: The timeless and the time-bound.

Have you ever said something like, “There aren’t enough hours in the day,” or, “I just don’t have the time,” or, “We’re running out of time?” If so – and, let’s face it, who hasn’t? – you’ve experienced the disconnect between linear and non-linear time. You’ve lived with them out of sync, out of alignment.

When linear and non-linear time come into alignment the feeling that there is “not enough time” goes away. The timelessness of our spiritual nature seeps into your physical reality and opens you to an effortless flow. Synchronicity happens when linear and non-linear time are aligned.

Miracles happen!

Within the context of  our physical, human experience there are many ways that we can perceive and interact with time. In most cases we perceive time from a purely human, linear perspective. We have an agenda and a schedule and a chronological connection to the flow of time. In this place there is little room for the natural flow of life. If an unexpected traffic jam makes us late for a meeting it is difficult to expand out of linear time and open up to the larger perspective of non-linear flow.

Life often has a different take on “right timing” than we have in our minds. Our minds see the trees, sometimes opening up to see the forest. Life IS the forest. But it is also the trees, the fields, the rivers, the mountains, the earth and the sky.

When things don’t happen in your life in thetime-frame you have envisioned it is always an opportunity to open up to the perfection of non-linear or divine timing. I’m sure you’ve had at least one experience where you didn’t get something you really wanted in the time you wanted. And have you ever seen that disappointment open to an even better outcome an outcome that you probably couldn’t even imagine?

That is the beauty of Divine Timing. When you’re anchored in linear, physical time, it is difficult to see all the possibilities. But life’s little, and not so little, disappointments give you the opportunity to let go of your death-grip on linear time and open your vision and perspective to other possibilities and to the blessings and manifestations  awaiting you that are unimaginable to your linear,rational mind!

That morning, last week, I could see Ella grappling with the contrast between the timing of what she wanted from a physical and mental perspective versus the timing of the flow of life. Ella’s human, physical reality timing had that tooth out of her mouth right now! Life wasn’t in such a rush.

Her loose tooth was an opportunity to experience the contrast. And the next day, she got to experience the discomfort that we create when we push against the flow of life.

She was back at her mom’s and absolutely, definitely wanted that loose tooth out of her mouth. So they pulled it out! And since it wasn’t quite ready, wasn’t quite the right time, it hurt her a lot and caused some bleeding in her mouth so she had to “gargle a lot with yucky water!”

Maybe next time she’ll be willing to sit in the contrast and allow the tooth to loosen up until it gently and easily falls out on its own.

That’s the beauty of allowing divine timing to merge with linear time: life unfolds easily and effortlessly as you experience one “miracle” after another.

So today, watch for opportunities to relax into the unknowing of divine timing and allow life to unfold itself. And when you do, get ready for the miracles to begin!

Your partner in TRUE Abundance


One response to “Lessons in Divine Timing From a Loose Tooth”

  1. Ooooh~ Congrats to her first loose tooth, I’m sure that a lot more will come out sooner or later to give space for the permanent teeth. But yeah, it is awesome to wait for it to loosen up, but it’s also good for her in trying to be adventurous.

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