The Deliberate Creator’s Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Energetic bonds which have connected one person to another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal privileges to which the laws of the Universe entitle them, their own self-respect requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Deliberate Creators are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creative Source with certain unalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty, abundance, joy and the pursuit of happiness.

To secure these rights, certain thoughts, beliefs and ideologies have been instituted among men and women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the people. And whenever any of these thoughts, beliefs or ideologies becomes destructive to these unalienable rights, it is the responsibility of Deliberate Creators to alter or abolish them, and to institute new ones, laying their foundation on such principles and organizing their powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to empower their natural states of abundance, joy and love.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that beliefs long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. But experience has shown that individuals are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the beliefs to which they are accustomed. But when existing thoughts, beliefs and ideologies sabotage, subvert and ultimately destroy the will of Deliberate Creators, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such belief systems, and to create and embrace new beliefs that empower their strength, prosperity and evolution.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Deliberate Creators; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of thought, belief and ideology. The history of the existing Prevailing Belief System is a history of ongoing injury and usurpation, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these Deliberate Creators.

To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

  • This belief system would have us base our actions on fear.
  • This belief system holds that we lack personal power.
  • This belief system affirms that we are unable to manifest our desires.
  • This belief system defines the world as a dangerous place.
  • This belief system alleges that scarcity and lack is our natural state.
  • This belief system asserts that we are meant to struggle and suffer.
  • This belief system avows that vulnerability, intimacy and trust are weaknesses.
  • This belief system affirms that we are unworthy, undeserving and not good enough.

We, therefore, the representatives of the Deliberate Creators of the World, appealing to the Creative Source for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of all Deliberate Creators, solemnly publish and declare, that we are, and of right ought to be free and independent from the Prevailing Belief System; that we are absolved from all allegiance to those beliefs and that all Mental, Emotional, Physical and Energetic connections between us and the Prevailing Belief System, are and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent Deliberate Creators, we have full power to attract our desires, seek ever greater joy, engage in inspired action, bask in the limitless abundance of this Universe, and do all other things which true Deliberate Creators may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Creative Source, we mutually pledge to each other our support, our encouragement and our sacred honor.

If you would like to join us in declaring your independence from the prevailing belief system, add your name to the comments below. Every signature added to this document weakens the prevailing belief system and strengthens the new beliefs that empower our ability to create the lives we desire and the world we want!


So go ahead and sign your name now!

135 responses to “The Deliberate Creator’s Declaration of Independence”

  1. Ed – nicely done! I am probably one of the most Anti-Prevailing Belief System people that I know, so I am ecstatic to sign a document that declares the inalienable (and unlimited) power of Deliberate Creators everywhere!!

  2. I agree. More harm has been done by the representatives of the Deliberate Creators, or formal religion, than good. At the end of the day, it seems to boil down to power play and/or wealth for the leaders, whatever the religion.

  3. I too am thrilled to sign a document that declares the unlimited power of Deliberate Creators everywhere for we have been in bondage for way to long and it is time for us to be free.

  4. I don’t see where exactly to sign, but nonetheless, my intention is to declare my rightfull place in this world as a deliberate creator!
    Thank you to everyone who is willing to break out of societal molds, yay! I’m not alone.

    Love and LIght from Cananda 🙂

  5. Love it!! Now is the time for all good men and women to join together and Deliberately Create all we are meant to be and have in this world. Great job everyone. Om Jai Jai Maa!

  6. With gratitude and appreciation I declare myself free of limiting beliefs and acknowledge that each individual has the right to create their own magnificent life, and that the entire world will benefit from our doing so.

  7. I hereby declare my right as a Deliberate Creator!

    Here’s to all the other Deliberate Creators who came before me, and to those who will follow!!

    With Love,
    Cheryl Jones

  8. I am honored and thrilled to add my name to the Deliberate Creator’s Declaration Of Independence. Here’s to Deliberate Creation – Abundance for All!

  9. We can be, or do, or have anything that this physical environment can cause us to desire. It’s about time that more people learn this, and understand their power to create their own lives, and a better world for everyone:-)

    With love and bright blessings,


  10. Wihoo!! This is a powerful intention of deliberate co-creation, Ed. What a joy it is to join in this beautiful act.

    Wonder Powers of Deliberate Creators Unite!! (A playful salute to “The Wonder Heroes.”) Isn’t what we are doing here as Deliberate Creators, wonderful and heroic? Yessss!!!!

    Love and gratitude,

  11. The older I get, the more independent I become. What and who to believe is a matter of prefernece. I choose to be a deliberate indepemdent, deliberate creator and have love in my heart for all.

    Thank you for this outstanding declaration! I feel stronger by signing my name to it.

    Chris Parr-Feldman

  12. Hello my fellow Deliberate Creators,
    I join you all in this Declaration of Independence from limited and dead-end thinking. It is a most powerfully energized freedom that I am most grateful for, and here is to us!! I thank you all for the unconditional love and support that I have felt. Vibrational Bliss to all, Sean

  13. I’d be happy to have the political and spiritual leaders of this world have that in their minds while making decisions for the majority with our true best interest in heart and mind. =~) I also truly wish that the media could spend much more effort and resources about getting good news out and positive stories. Wouldn’t the world be an amazing place if we could all turn our undivided attention to our hearts desires. If we all took the time we need to ourselves to be better prepared for the day with good thoughts of how we’d like for it to go. =~)

  14. I now declare my independence from limiting beliefs and negative thinking, and I allow my creative Source to guide me into the fullness of who I am! FREEDOM!!!

    Whoo hooooo!

  15. I too, declare my independence from the old beliefs based on fear. I am ready to take a step closer to freedom, REAL FREEDOM. And I wish for everyone on our beautiful planet to be aware of their true potential and power in creating the life they choose.

  16. I hereby declare my independence from all limiting beliefs and I am FREE to create my magnificent life! I know that each and every one of us is whole and complete and free to be! Much love to all!

  17. Thanks Ed for the time, love and thoughtfulness that went into your revision. It is appreciated.

  18. Thank you, Edward, this is a fine contribution. I appreciate the time and energy that went into this. It has definitely been a positive spark for many! Bountiful Blessings to you.

  19. I have been detatched from the placenta to some degree for most of my life. It is great to see this kind of declaration in print. Thank you Edward! Here are some practical steps you can take.
    1) question authority
    2) always question fear and guilt
    3) question anything you hear that evokes a negative emotion
    4) turn off your TV

    I hereby declare my independence from the prevailing belief system now and henceforth forever and vow to band together with all of like mind to create a healthy, free and just universe for all!.

  20. Thank You for all your thoughts , time and enduring energies . This is differently in the posiitive flow in life. I hereby declare my Independence from my past old beief systems on all areas, Spiritually, Mental, Emotional, Physical levels. I now will enjoy the fabulous freedom that is trully abundance in my life of easy creation for my highest and best interest.. Enjoying and reaping all beneits for mine and others highest good.

  21. I now declare my independence from my limiting beliefs and scarce. From today onwards I am free and full of abundance.
    Thank you Edward and May God bless you.

  22. As I relax into the idea of Independence I feel enlivened inspired to live from my heart, from the source of my being here now. Much gratitude to you Edward for waking me up! This is a fine community, it is, it is…

  23. Edward- as always your joyful, generous intelligence shines through your work! Thank you- I’m happy, empowered & honored to sign this sacred document/declaration.
    With love & blessings,

  24. What a beautiful document!
    I´m so sick and tired of all the bad news and scare propaganda.
    Abraham Hicks says, a war against anything, is a war against yourself.
    All that this bad news and fear propaganda do, is to engage innocent people in wars and crusades against “the Evil”, all in the name of Love and Light, of course. And it helps the problems grow bigger, like it did 2000 years ago.
    If more people would follow these 2 simple principles from the teachings of Abraham, this World would be a happier place:
    1. Mind your own business.
    2.Be happy and enjoy life, and let others do the same…
    I am so honored to sign this document, because it has a strong personal meaning for myself.
    Love and Light to all of you,

  25. Thank you for this opportunity to sign this declaration. I am more than ready to redefine, redefine redefine my disempowering belief systems for myself, my family, friends and all of us on this wonderful journey of expansion.

  26. Thanks for your thoughtful, heartful turn-around of old patterns.
    Yes, I sign this Declaration!

  27. With gratitude and appreciation I declare myself free of limiting beliefs and acknowledge that each individual has the right to create their own magnificent life, and that the entire world will benefit from our doing so.
    Freedom and Joy!!

  28. I wholeheartedly concur with the Deliberate Creator’ s Declaration of Independence and subscribe to the intention of positive manifestation!

  29. So say we all, and so shall it be that on July 4,2010 I declared my independence as a deliberate creator! I actually had someone say today that I don’t live in reality but a rainbow sprinkled land that wasn’t in reality.
    I say that reality does not have to equate to pain and we can all be deliberate creators of a reality and that I have full power to attract my desires, seek ever greater joy, engage in inspired action, bask in the limitless abundance of this Universe, and do all other things which true Deliberate Creators may of right do – and so it is!

  30. And not a moment too soon!
    Everyone needs to know this!
    With those who love and accept themselves completely it would work.
    However there is no milage in opposing the current system, as it would only give it more energy.
    Rather set up an alternative, just as we already have Fair Trade and Commumity Banks, maybe in particular locations.
    Gradually the swing of public opinion will shift as people see how much better it is!

  31. Thank you for a beautifully written document, and the opportunity to declare it to the world! I declare myself independent from all shreds of old thoughts and belief systems that don’t work and don’t support me as a Deliberate Creator.

  32. Thank you for these words of inspiration. I could not have said it any better and I am a writer. (LOL)

  33. I declared independence from income tax last weekend (thought it took me a full month to get the information I needed to do it).

    Abraham, my fave teacher of deliberate creation says that we are so free we can even choose bondage. What I didn’t understand was how that could be true, when in America, we are forced to pay income tax every year – with seemingly no choice.

    I now know that is not true. I learned what the law actually says and to whom income tax applies. Turns out it doesn’t apply to private sector workers like me and my husband. Maybe it doesn’t apply to you, either?

  34. I declare my right to explore and discover (co-create) my own inner balance of freedom/responsibility, dependence/independence; to fully engage my path in learning to trust in myself so that others may also trust in me. I give thanks for Truth and for Love…
    In Faith,

  35. Best explaination of personal responsibility for ones life i’ve read. let the evolution toward creating your own outcome in life begin!

  36. Yes YES YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS. Let the TRUTH be known, repetitively, inconsequentially, existentially!!
    Thanks for posting Edward

  37. Nice one Edward. Of course I’ll sign up to this! I think I’ll now go share it with my email readers too. 🙂 They’ll love it. Cheers, Thea

  38. I, with great appreciation, hereby sign this magnificently updated Declaration, with honor and the deliberate intent to read it often.
    Thank you Edward, it is so very wonderfully, timely!!

  39. How wonderful – a declaration to throw off the shackles of fear and subjugation – this message needs to spread – thank you I am going to print this out and keep it where I can see it!

  40. With sincere Gratitude and appreciation I declare myself free of all fears, self-doubts, self- criticism and limiting beliefs and I affirm that every individual has the inalienable right to create his or her own magnificent life, and that the entire world will benefit from one’s doing so.

  41. May we all embrace freedom as it is within; to just simply be. May we all be independent to think what we choose, speak our hearts, act in the best interest of Self and the Highest benefit of All. We are born free,now live free.

  42. Hooray. I’d say it’s not even worth the paper it’s printed on, but I’m looking at it onscreen, so I guess it’s not even worth the electrons to display it. After all, is anyone here prepared to take up arms for it? I don’t have any confidence in the Ghandi approach.

  43. Love this!! Just had to sign…and share!! Happy Independence Day to ALL deliberate Creators!

  44. Beautiful and fully endorsed by me! Doubly potent, as 4th July also happens to be my Birthday!

  45. I so sign my name Bonnie Price to be a free and deliberate creator of my world and everything around me.

  46. Freedom is the right of all, treat others as you wish to be treated, and always live by one rule – “Do what you will, but cause no harm to anyone or anything”.

  47. I declare! Thank you, Edward, for this inspirational piece of writing. I was not born in the USA but I pledge allegiance to this version of Declaration of Independence as a being in human form manifesting both in the spiritual and physical worlds (which are one anyway). Happy July 4th!


  49. BRILLIANT !!! THANK YOU ! This is the prefect bit of information for parents of the “new children”and for all teachers.

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