Tag: Deliberate Creation

  • Becoming Mikayal – Part 2

    If you haven’t read part 1 of this story, you can check it out here.  It takes about 9 months for a human infant to emerge from the safety and warmth of the womb. Nine months of rapid growth and development, culminating in a massive shock to the system as it emerges from the dark, […]

  • Becoming Mikayal

    I never thought I would change my name. Where I come from, it’s just not something you “do.” Sure, in California, where I live now, lots of people change their names to things like, Tree or Mountain or Moonflower Sunbeam! But in the suburbs of Boston, where I grew up, changing your name is definitely […]

  • Alyx Autori In The Studio

    WOO HOO! Super amazing day in the studio with Alyx Autori from CopperWimmin. She laid down harmonies on Only Love and This One’s For the Angels. Totally amazing. We’ve truly got a choir of angels now with her 3 vocal parts. I’m still amazed at people who can do that… come up with harmonies on […]

  • Learning to flow with the rhythms of life

    Today was supposed to be the start of the Awakened Man Summit. But due to a last minute scheduling snafu I don’t have a speaker for tonight. Since I found out about this a couple of days ago I’ve been somewhat – to very – frantically seeking another speaker to step in at the last […]

  • The Deliberate Creator’s Declaration of Independence

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Energetic bonds which have connected one person to another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal privileges to which the laws of the Universe entitle them, their own self-respect requires that they […]