Tag: Intentions

  • Law Of Attraction Lessons The Blackberry Bramble Taught Me

    The blackberry bramble in our backyard is bursting with beautiful, shiny, berries. They are hanging there, within easy reach, ripe and ready to fall off into your fingers at the slightest tug and melt in your mouth with the sweet juicy yumminess that comes at this time of year. My daughter and I have been […]

  • Learning to flow with the rhythms of life

    Today was supposed to be the start of the Awakened Man Summit. But due to a last minute scheduling snafu I don’t have a speaker for tonight. Since I found out about this a couple of days ago I’ve been somewhat – to very – frantically seeking another speaker to step in at the last […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #6

    This morning I was thinking how strange it was that I had not seen, or heard, any raptors since being here. Just now, I saw my first hawk. A small one, slightly smaller than a Cooper’s Hawk with thicker wings. Almost all white or light gray underneath. Slight darker above. No other distinctive markings that […]

  • Why I’m Going On A Vision Quest

    Tomorrow morning I leave for Desolation Wilderness. Even though there are LOTS of wonderful wilderness areas to explore in Northern California, something about Desolation Wilderness keeps calling me back. This time I’m going alone for 7-days with no distractions – no camera, no books, no music, no journal – nothing that could get in the […]