Tag: Inspiration

  • Vision Quest Journal #5

    Sunday, September 20th. DREAM: Ben Stiller starred in my dream. It was a movie. He was returning home to his family for the first time in many years. His grandfather was dying. He was a military specialist. Like special forces, or something. And he got into an argument with his brother. He wanted to see […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #4

    The wind here is alive. It can be completely quiet and calm here, then, I’ll hear the wind awakening the trees in the valley and I can follow its journey up the valley and up the mountain until it arrives here…. Hello my friend! It’s as if you knew I was writing about you. You […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #3

    You can read all of the posts in the Vision Quest Journal Series here. The first round of tears has come and gone. The sorrow came over me instantly, from out of nowhere that I could determine. From that sorrow came the start of this conversation. God, why have we created a world with so […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #2

    Saturday, September 19th. Last night, I dreamt of exclusion and alienation. All dreams of how I live my life… on the fringe.. touching the circle, viewing the circle but not stepping into it, not becoming part of it, not claiming my right to belong. That is what I seek here, my sense of belonging, the […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #1

    Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting excerpts from the journal I kept during and after my recent Vision Quest. I initially had not planned to take anything to write with. On a traditional Vision Quest you would not have any writing materials to minimize distrations. But at the last minute I decided to […]

  • Why I’m Going On A Vision Quest

    Tomorrow morning I leave for Desolation Wilderness. Even though there are LOTS of wonderful wilderness areas to explore in Northern California, something about Desolation Wilderness keeps calling me back. This time I’m going alone for 7-days with no distractions – no camera, no books, no music, no journal – nothing that could get in the […]

  • The Deliberate Creator’s Declaration of Independence

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Energetic bonds which have connected one person to another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal privileges to which the laws of the Universe entitle them, their own self-respect requires that they […]