Category: Personal Development

  • Lessons in Divine Timing From a Loose Tooth

    One night last week as my daughter was falling asleep she called down to me, “Dada, guess what?” “What sweetie?” “I’ve got a loose tooth!” “Yay. I’ll check it out in the morning.” And, sure enough, in the morning I saw that Ella had her first loose tooth. Now having your first loose tooth is […]

  • Top 10 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From My Daughter (So Far)

    Children bring a great amount of wisdom with them when they join us here in this world. I have known this for many years and have always loved being around children. But it was not until I became a father, a bit more than four years ago, that I discovered just how wise these little […]

  • 51 Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone

    Most of us love the familiar. Whether we realize it or not, we put a lot of work into ensuring that certain things in our lives remain constant.This personal “comfort zone” is the invisible, but very real area that defines the boundaries of what we know and understand. By staying within this comfort zone we […]

  • 10 Tips For Staying Positive Around Negative People

    Let’s face it. No matter how positive we intend to be and how focused we are on attracting positive people into our lives, there are times when we will come into contact with negative people. You know the type: They love to talk about all the things that are going wrong in their life. They […]

  • Have You Left Your Joy Behind?

    I’m nervous! You see I’m performing tonight for the first time in 10-years! Back in the day, I played my guitar and sang out in coffee shops, restaurants and small clubs a lot. And I loved it. Music brings me joy. Or I suppose it’s more accurate to say that music awakens the joy that […]

  • Serious Spiritual People Suck!

    All right. I admit it. That title is a bit harsh. But I guess I’m qualified to write it, since the person I’m mostly talking about is myself! You see I spent a significant portion of my life being a serious spiritual person. And most of the time, when I was serious, I sucked! And […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #6

    This morning I was thinking how strange it was that I had not seen, or heard, any raptors since being here. Just now, I saw my first hawk. A small one, slightly smaller than a Cooper’s Hawk with thicker wings. Almost all white or light gray underneath. Slight darker above. No other distinctive markings that […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #5

    Sunday, September 20th. DREAM: Ben Stiller starred in my dream. It was a movie. He was returning home to his family for the first time in many years. His grandfather was dying. He was a military specialist. Like special forces, or something. And he got into an argument with his brother. He wanted to see […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #4

    The wind here is alive. It can be completely quiet and calm here, then, I’ll hear the wind awakening the trees in the valley and I can follow its journey up the valley and up the mountain until it arrives here…. Hello my friend! It’s as if you knew I was writing about you. You […]

  • Vision Quest Journal #3

    You can read all of the posts in the Vision Quest Journal Series here. The first round of tears has come and gone. The sorrow came over me instantly, from out of nowhere that I could determine. From that sorrow came the start of this conversation. God, why have we created a world with so […]