Tag: Joy

  • Walk Beautifully

    Seems like the perfect aphorism as we start the day in the studio for the Walk In Beauty album. Thank you Yogi Tea!

  • Have You Left Your Joy Behind?

    I’m nervous! You see I’m performing tonight for the first time in 10-years! Back in the day, I played my guitar and sang out in coffee shops, restaurants and small clubs a lot. And I loved it. Music brings me joy. Or I suppose it’s more accurate to say that music awakens the joy that […]

  • Serious Spiritual People Suck!

    All right. I admit it. That title is a bit harsh. But I guess I’m qualified to write it, since the person I’m mostly talking about is myself! You see I spent a significant portion of my life being a serious spiritual person. And most of the time, when I was serious, I sucked! And […]