Tag: Inner Guidance

  • Becoming Mikayal – Part 2

    If you haven’t read part 1 of this story, you can check it out here.  It takes about 9 months for a human infant to emerge from the safety and warmth of the womb. Nine months of rapid growth and development, culminating in a massive shock to the system as it emerges from the dark, […]

  • Becoming Mikayal

    I never thought I would change my name. Where I come from, it’s just not something you “do.” Sure, in California, where I live now, lots of people change their names to things like, Tree or Mountain or Moonflower Sunbeam! But in the suburbs of Boston, where I grew up, changing your name is definitely […]

  • The Birth of Walk In Beauty

    The Birth of Walk In Beauty

      One of the most magical things about writing songs is watching how they are born and change and evolve. Each of the songs on the Walk In Beauty album took a different path to come into being. Most of them took a very “circuitous” route to reach their final destination… the final version being […]

  • Walk Beautifully

    Seems like the perfect aphorism as we start the day in the studio for the Walk In Beauty album. Thank you Yogi Tea!

  • There Is Goodness Everywhere

    Took a tour of Bellen Peru this morning. For some reason I felt compelled to go with a local guy who started talking with me on the street…I know… potentially dumb thing to do! But I got the yes and went for it. And Lito was a super nice and knowledgeable guide. It was quite […]

  • The Bucket Or The Bliss

    “Why?” That’s about the best I could do at that moment. Why am I here? Why am I doing this? What was I thinking? Can I go to sleep? Can I go home now? It was early in the morning of the second night of Ceremony… 2:00am, 3:00am… Time no longer had meaning for me. Hours, […]

  • Did I Do the Right Thing?

    As a child, my father often said, “Do the right thing, Edward.” From turning out the lights when I left a room to sending thank you cards after receiving gifts, he would speak those words. Back then I did my best to avoid doing the right thing… or at least doing HIS right thing. Certainly, […]

  • Why I’m Going On A Vision Quest

    Tomorrow morning I leave for Desolation Wilderness. Even though there are LOTS of wonderful wilderness areas to explore in Northern California, something about Desolation Wilderness keeps calling me back. This time I’m going alone for 7-days with no distractions – no camera, no books, no music, no journal – nothing that could get in the […]