Category: Relationships

  • Tyler Perry’s Lesson in Forgiveness and Abundance

    Terry Gross interviewed Tyler Perry on Fresh Air a few weeks ago. I almost changed the station since I didn’t have a strong connection with Tyler other than knowing that he put his name on all of his movies and – to be quite honest – imagining that he must be fairly egotistical to do […]

  • I’m Making Up A Story That…

    On Thursday and Friday of last week I had the privilege of interviewing some of the most successful conscious entrepreneurs in the world. It was part of the Shift Network’s Enlightened Business Summit. Earlier in the week, Chip Conley, the founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, interviewed many of the most successful conscious business people […]

  • You Are NOT Alone!

    Have you ever felt alone? If you’re like most of us, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! How about when… the teacher called on you in school and you didn’t know the answer? or coming home to an empty house after a breakup? or someone you love has passed on? or a […]

  • Did I Do the Right Thing?

    As a child, my father often said, “Do the right thing, Edward.” From turning out the lights when I left a room to sending thank you cards after receiving gifts, he would speak those words. Back then I did my best to avoid doing the right thing… or at least doing HIS right thing. Certainly, […]

  • 10 Tips For Staying Positive Around Negative People

    Let’s face it. No matter how positive we intend to be and how focused we are on attracting positive people into our lives, there are times when we will come into contact with negative people. You know the type: They love to talk about all the things that are going wrong in their life. They […]